
State Universities V/S Deemed Universities – How are they different ?
State Universities V/S Deemed Universities - How are they different ? Universities are the mainstay of higher education in our country; actually, in every country in the world. They are the institutions that are responsible for the imparting of advanced and higher...

Opting COMEDK UGET and Uni-GAUGE E as Combined Exam
Go to Login Page COMEDK UGET and Uni-GAUGE E will be conducted as a combined exam on 14th September 2021. Here is a list of most common queries that candidates have regarding the exam. How many Exams do I have to attend if I want to apply for both COMEDK UGET and...

The New Indian Express on Uni-GAUGE: November 11, 2014
The New Indian Express on Uni-GAUGE: November 11, 2014 Single Entrance Exam for Deemed, Pvt Varsities BENGALURU: Deemed and private universities in the country have come together under a platform called ERA Foundation to conduct a single entrance test for various...

Deccan Herald on Uni-GAUGE: November 11, 2014
Deccan Herald on Uni-GAUGE: November 11, 2014 Private Universities Start One Entrance Test for Medicine, Dental & Engineering A number of well-known private universities and deemed institutions in the State and outside will henceforth select candidates based on a...

THE HINDU On Uni-GAUGE: November 11, 2014
The HINDU, BENGALURU: November 11, 2014 Single entrance exam for private, deemed varsities in the pipeline ‘Objective is to separate entrance test from admissions’ A single entrance exam for private and deemed varsities across the country is in the pipeline with the...

How to choose a College / Institution for your B.Tech?
How to choose a College / Institution for your B.Tech? With numerous colleges offering B.Tech courses at one’s backyard, it has become essential for parents and students to make an informed choice. But what is an informed choice? Is it the first paycheck that one is...

Choosing the Right Engineering College
The Need to Choose the Right Engineering College Every one of us arrives at critical crossroads in our lives. One of the most important is choosing the career, and a lot of us decide engineering is the perfect career choice. We prepare for it, go through the required...
Understanding the Deemed Universities in India
Understanding the Deemed Universities in India All institutions for higher education in India, after a student has completed his schooling, come under the purview of the university. There are four main kinds of universities in India: Central universities State...

State Universities in India – An Introduction
State Universities in India - An Introduction Higher education is one of the primary social goals of every civilisation and every society that springs forth in that civilisation. Education not only teaches, it prepares the mind for the long road ahead – of...

Clarifications on 4 Myths About Deemed Universities in India
Clarifications on 4 Myths About Deemed Universities in India In earlier blogs we have discussed about deemed universities and also about state universities. We have also seen how these two different types of universities compare when paired up together. Deemed...